Take a look and see how these treatments have helped others with a range of problems. Click on each paragraph to be taken to the full article.
A Randomized-Controlled Trial Examining the Effects of Reflexology on Anxiety of Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiography
The anxiety reduction before coronary angiography has clinical advantages and is one of the objectives of nursing. Reflexology is a non-invasive method that has been used in several clinical situations. Applying reflexology might have effect on the reduction of anxiety before coronary angiography.
Use of reflexology foot massage to reduce anxiety in hospitalized cancer patients in chemotherapy treatment: methodology and outcomes
Reflexology foot massage can be considered a support treatment used in combination with traditional medical treatments and executed by an expert, qualified person to help cancer patients receiving chemotherapy feel better and also cope better with their disease.
Effect of Reflexology on Pain and Quality of Life in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Reflexology in the management of low back pain: a pilot randomised controlled trial
Reflexology appears to offer promise as a treatment in the management of LBP; however, an adequately powered trial is required before any more definitive pronouncements are possible.
Case study of Bell's palsy applying complementary treatment within an occupational therapy model
Change in renal blood flow due to organ-associated reflex zone therapy on the foot measured with colour-coded Doppler sonography
Effect of reflexological stimulation on heart rate variability
Reflexology for symptom relief in patients with cancer
Complementary therapies are increasingly being used in hospices and hospitals alongside orthodox treatments in an attempt to improve patients' emotional, spiritual, psychological, and physical well-being. An average of 31% of UK patients with cancer use some form of complementary therapy.
Evaluation of a hospice based reflexology service: a qualitative audit of patient perceptions
Complementary therapies are being increasingly used in palliative care in the drive to improve patients' emotional, psychological and spiritual health, and enhance the quality of their lives. The importance of seeking the 'user' perspective when evaluating such services is becoming increasingly acknowledged. However, it is also extremely important that we elicit such perspectives in an ethically sensitive manner.
Does reflexology impact on cancer patients' quality of life?
This study showed that reflexology does have an impact on the quality of life of patients in the palliative stage of cancer.
A randomised-controlled trail examining the effects of reflexology of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
It is known that many patients with obstructive pulmonary diseases use a number of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM). There has been a great deal of interest into the CAM recently, with the House of Lords select committee for science and technology's report suggesting randomised-controlled trials are the best means of researching the area.
Reflexology in the management of encopresis and chronic constipation
Encopresis or faecal incontinence in children is an extremely distressing condition that is usually secondary to chronic constipation/stool withholding. Traditional management with enemas may add to the child's distress. This study investigated the efficacy of treating patients with encopresis and chronic constipation with reflexology.
The clinical efficacy of reflexology in nursing home residents with dementia
This study provides preliminary support for the efficacy of reflexology as a treatment of stress in nursing home residents with mild-to-moderate stage dementia.
Effects of reflexology on fibromyalgia symptoms: a multiple case study
Reflexology may be helpful to decrease fibromyalgia symptoms. Qualitative research methods and individually tailored interventions are important when researching complementary and alternative therapies.
Randomised controlled trial of reflexology for menopausal symptoms
Clinical experience suggests that reflexology may have beneficial effects on the symptoms occurring in menopausal women, particularly psychological symptoms. This study aims to examine that effect rigorously.
Reflexology for the treatment of pain in people with multiple sclerosis: a double-blind randomised sham-controlled clinical trial
Complementary therapy use by persons with multiple sclerosis: benefits and research priorities
People with multiple sclerosis (MS) are commonly actively involved in self-care, with many accessing complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to help in symptom management. To provide increased insight into benefits from CAM use and service user ideas over research priorities, a two-part study, involving a questionnaire and interactive workshop, was undertaken with attendees at a national Congress of the MS Trust in the UK.
Reflexology treatment relieves symptoms of multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled study
Specific reflexology treatment was of benefit in alleviating motor; sensory and urinary symptoms in MS patients.
Reflexology treatment for patients with lower limb amputations and phantom limb pain--an exploratory pilot study
Randomized controlled study of premenstrual symptoms treated with ear, hand, and foot reflexology
These clinical findings support the use of ear, hand, and foot reflexology for the treatment of PMS.
Effects of self-foot reflexology on stress, fatigue and blood circulation in premenopausal middle-aged women